


Bestcare Elderly Welfare Co., was established in 1991, due to the modern environmental and medical advanced, human life has entered the peak of the history. How to use modern technology to bring the elders’ convenience and helping is getting easier and quicker.



北之特樂銀本著深耕市場服務社區的理念, 熱切地歡迎志同道合的準加盟商、投資商加入樂銀的熟齡銀髮族商品專門店之連鎖加盟行列、 共同締造台灣成為亞洲第二個具備人文關懷與輔具科技並存的銀髮新天地。

Since 2009, we started the first elder equipment in the major department stores in SOGO. More of them in May 2017 we started the largest Elderly stores in Living center (the biggest shopping center in Taipei).

At present, there are 20 department stores counters and stores to provide the mature age and elders population all they needed in living life. We are now developing more intimate and fashion commodities. To help them more convenient, independent and fashion.